When Sight meets Sound - Rendezvous
This is the first project in which I incorporated sound into the installation. The project also involved a new process in which digital imagery was combined with traditional media in "mixed media transformation" process. All images are 20" x 16" (w x h).
Project Statement: Visualization is a thinking process - a brain function. With visualization the scene’s blank corners begin to fill; questions arise, thus producing the interaction of another sense: Sound. Sound is the outcome of thought. Sight or sound, in isolation, can be embracing, but empty; lacking entire fulfillment. The marrying of the two senses brings forth a third dimension. The enriched comprehension of the moment is brought into reality. This exhibit is all about connections. Connections that we make to others and to our community. Through this exhibit, as a viewer, you experience a vicarious Rendezvous with our worlds.
Project Statement: Visualization is a thinking process - a brain function. With visualization the scene’s blank corners begin to fill; questions arise, thus producing the interaction of another sense: Sound. Sound is the outcome of thought. Sight or sound, in isolation, can be embracing, but empty; lacking entire fulfillment. The marrying of the two senses brings forth a third dimension. The enriched comprehension of the moment is brought into reality. This exhibit is all about connections. Connections that we make to others and to our community. Through this exhibit, as a viewer, you experience a vicarious Rendezvous with our worlds.
This was a joint project with Victoria Wallace, a Peterborough based artist and has been exhibited in various galleries in Toronto and Peterborough.